Journal of Science Policy and GovernanceÂ
The Journal of Science Policy & Governance is an internationally recognized, open-access peer-reviewed publication dedicated to elevating students, post-docs, policy fellows and early career scholars in science, technology and innovation policy and governance debate worldwide. Since 2011, JSPG has served as a vehicle for students and early career researchers to bolster their research and writing credentials in science policy. JSPG also elevates published work using a podcast, conference panels, and webinars that foster intergenerational discussions and engage the next generation in science policy. Follow JSPG on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Soundcloud. ​Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest call for papers, volume releases and professional development opportunities in science policy.
Opportunities with JSPG:
- Publication opportunities - submit your science policy research to our standard or special issue deadlines throughout the year.
- Writing workshops and webinars - attend events to learn from science policy experts and practice your writing skills in preparation for submission. Each issue has a separate page for events on our website, so check that out too.
- Editorial board - our editorial board is composed of early career researchers looking to build their skills in science policy writing and editing.
- Internships - we offer internship opportunities for students interested in science policy and are currently running a pilot program. Applications are open!
- Science policy & advocacy certificate program - learn key concepts and develop practical skills in science policy and advocacy, and network with policy professionals.
- Opportunities for published authors - we highlight published work through speaking opportunities and conference panels, in addition to media outreach and you can watch these events on our YouTube channel.
- Podcast - we interview published authors, to provide another medium for them to share more about their publications and reach an extended audience in science policy.
Current calls for submissions:
- 2022 Standard issue deadlines:
- May 22, 2022 - in partnership with AAAS STPF
- November 20, 2022
- 2022 Special issue deadlines:
- Strengthening Youth-centered Policy and Governance of Digital Transformations in Health: August 21, 2022
- Open Science Policies as an Accelerator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: July 10, 2022
- Innovations in Science Diplomacy: Structures, Policies & Governance for the New Decade: April 17, 2022