When is the trip?
TBD (Anticipated Spring 2022)
Who is this trip for?
This trip is developed for graduate students and postdocs in STEM fields at Yale. The trip focuses on science policy and communication careers, so students with an established interest in those fields will be most well-served by attending. However, if you’re interested in exploring different career options available to PhD’s, you’ll learn a lot on the trek!
Can international students/non-citizens attend?
Yes, this trip is open to all graduate students and postdocs. However, due to security protocols, non-citizens may not be able to visit some of our sites. We hope to have this information available shortly.
Do I have to pay for my own [food, housing, transportation to/from and around DC]?
Yes, transportation, food, and housing must be arranged by the participant. The DC Career Trek will try to facilitate room sharing and carpooling, but these arrangements and expenses are the final responsibility of the participant.
We encourage participants to reach out to their programs and training grants to inquire about funds for the trip.
Will there be networking opportunities on the trip?
Yes, there will be a networking happy hour during the first night of the trip. Additionally, time-permitting, there will be opportunities to network with our hosts between stops.
What should I bring/wear?
Washington DC is a very professional environment. Participants should plan on dressing business casual for our meetings (avoid jeans, t-shirts). DC networking usually includes an exchange of business cards - you can get Yale business cards from YPPS.